Henry Goes to Boston

Henry and Grandma came out to visit Linus and Mina. It was Henry’s first time on an airplane! He said it was way too loud.

First up, we visited the beach. I was worried about parking at any beach on a lovely Friday in August, so I reserved parking at Fort Stage. It isn’t the most amazing beach Massachusetts has to offer, but it allows parking reservations. The water was freezing but it didn’t stop the kids.

The next day, we drove into Cambridge to visit the Museum of Science. Henry had a great time and was moving too fast for pictures, except when I caught him in a nice moment with this stuffed bear cub.

When we got home, we decided to celebrate Linus’s birthday. He and Mina made the cake together! I gave Henry the task of weighing out the ingredients, and I really appreciated his precision.

The next morning, we took thhem to the kids’ favorite donut shop. Henry was enjoying the donut too much to pose.

Next we headed on to the aquarium. We actually got there before it opened. Poor kids – the sun was right in their eyes!

After lunch back at home, we decided to visit North Bridge for an evening walk.

Thank you!

Henry sent the best thank you note for his birthday present!

His handwriting is very good, but just in case you’re reading this on your phone:

Hi Aunt Kate. Thank you for my new game. It is so fun! I look forward to beating the game. I used to think that Mario was the best but now I have gave Zelda another chance I am really enjoying it. Love, Henry

It makes an auntie want to send the kid a million more!